AAA Life Insurance Company

Frequently Asked Questions

Simple answers to our most frequently asked questions

Frequently Asked Questions

Simple answers to our most frequently asked questions

We understand that life insurance can seem complicated—and we want to help make it easier. Here you’ll find answers to our most frequently asked questions on everything from paying your bill to making changes to your policy.

Quick Links

Explore our Learn & Plan resources to brush up on your life insurance knowledge and decide which policy may be right for you.

If you’re brand new to life insurance: Life Insurance 101

If you’re not sure what kind of life insurance may be right for you: Getting Started:

If you’re curious how much life insurance you may need: Calculate Your Needs

If you’re wondering why AAA Life could be the best choice: Why AAA Life?


How can I set up my account for automatic payments?

You can set up Autopay by logging into your account on, or the AAA Life Mobile app. Payments will be automatically deducted based on the payment frequency selected and the due date on your policy—saving you time (and stamps).

You can also set up your account for automatic payments by providing authorization over the phone. To give authorization over the phone, call our Member Services department at (855) 598-0890

How do I make an online payment on my policy?

AAA Life makes it easy to pay your premiums online. Log in to your account at or on the AAA Life Mobile app and click ‘Pay now’. AAA Life can take your payment by credit card or from your bank account with EFT. Never worry about missing a payment by setting up Autopay with EFT (it’s the most secure way to pay).

Or you can make a one-time payment by clicking here to visit Quickpay.


Is there a grace period for late payments?

Yes. The grace period for policies varies by product, but is at least 31 days from the due date of your bill. If a premium is paid during the grace period, the premium is considered to have been paid on time and your coverage (including riders) remains in effect.

Why is the address on the premium due notice different from the address on the enclosed envelope?

The address listed on the return envelope is a P.O. Box address that will be sent directly to a bank for processing. The address on the premium due notice is the physical address of our administrative office where correspondence is sent. If you send your payment to the administrative office, it will delay your payment from being posted to your account.

Is there a grace period for late payments?

Yes. The grace period for policies varies by product, but is at least 31 days from the due date of your bill. If a premium is paid during the grace period, the premium is considered to have been paid on time and your coverage (including riders) remains in effect.

What payment methods are accepted?

Checking/Savings account - You will need the name of the account holder, the bank routing number, and the account number.

Credit/Debit card - You will need the name of the cardholder, the card number, security code, and the expiration date. We accept Visa, MasterCard, American Express, and Discover.

Will I receive a confirmation of my payment?

Yes. AAA Life will send confirmation of the payment to the email address you provided when making the payment online or to register for an account. Be sure to add "" to your accepted email list. If you do not receive the email, check your SPAM folder.

If you are making a payment over the phone, either through the self-service system or with a Member Services Advocate, you will be given a confirmation code.


Where do I get the app?

When available, the AAA Life Mobile app will be available to download from the App Store or Google Play:

Download on the IOS App Store ButtonGet It On Google Play Button 

How do I register?

Visit and click ‘Login’, or download the AAA Life Mobile app to get started.

Click ‘Register now’ and when prompted, fill in the required fields to set up your account.


What are the User ID and Password requirements for an account?

Your User ID must be between 6-20 characters and may contain letters and numbers, but no spaces. You may also use your email address if it is fewer than 20 characters.

Passwords must include the following:

  • Be between 8-20 characters long

  • Have at least one uppercase

  • Have at least one lowercase

  • Have at least one number

  • Have at least one special character

What if there are multiple owners on my policy?

Only one policyowner may register for an account on a given policy.

How do I enable or disable push notifications on the mobile app?

From the Accounts page of the app, go to ‘Settings’ and slide the “Push Notifications” slider to the right to turn those notifications on. The slider will show as blue in color if notifications are turned on. To turn off push notifications, slide the “Push Notifications” slider to the left. The slider will show as gray in color if notifications are turned off.

How do I enable or disable text message notifications?

Mobile app: From the Accounts page of the app, go to ‘Settings’ and slide the “Text Messages” slider to the right to turn those notifications on.

Web: From the Dashboard page of the web experience, click on the user icon in the top right corner, go to My account, and under the Notifications section, slide the “Text Messages” slider to the right to turn those notifications on.

The slider will show as blue in color if notifications are turned on. To turn off text message notifications, slide the “Text Messages” slider to the left. The slider will show as gray in color if notifications are turned off.

Can I change my payment frequency online?

Yes. You can change the payment frequency for your policy online. For example, if you have been paying quarterly, you can change it to another frequency such as semi-annual or annual, depending on your product.


Will my account be deactivated because of failed login attempts?

Yes. Your account will be deactivated after the sixth failed login attempt. You will need to follow the prompts to reset your password and reactivate the account.

Is my data secure?

The data you share with AAA Life is used by AAA Life to administer your policy. Our brand and reputation are important to us, we will follow the guidelines outlined in our privacy policy around the protection and use of your information.

For details on what those guidelines are, please review our privacy policy and terms and conditions.

How do I make an address change?

Address changes can be completed either by logging into your account, over the phone, or in writing. If you already have an account, you can login here to change your address at any time. If you are a current policyholder and do not have an account, you can sign up for one by clicking here. To change your address over the phone, call our Member Services Department at (855) 598-0890. To change your address in writing, please mail the information to AAA Life Insurance Company, 17900 N. Laurel Park Drive, Livonia, MI 48152.


How many beneficiaries can I have?

You may assign as many beneficiaries as you want. The benefit percentages must total 100% for primary beneficiaries and 100% for any contingent beneficiaries you assign. It’s important to take the time to review your beneficiary designations carefully upon opening your policy and keep them up to date as your life changes. Doing so helps to ensure that if a claim is filed on your policy, your life insurance benefits are distributed to the people (or causes) you care about most.

How do I add or make a beneficiary change?

Beneficiary changes or designations need to be made in writing. You can complete the Beneficiary Change Request form (PDF) and mail or fax it using the information below in the ‘Contacting AAA Life’ section.

How do I change my name on my policy?

Name change requests need to be made in writing. You can complete the Name Change Request form (PDF) and mail it or fax it using the information above. A reason must be given for the name change. If the reason is marriage or divorce, no legal documentation is required. If the name change is due to any other reason, legal documentation (copy of a driver's license, passport, etc.) must be included with the request.

How can I change Ownership on my policy?

Not all policies allow for Ownership changes. Those that do require the completion of the Life Owner Change Request form (PDF). Once complete, the form may be mailed or faxed using the information below in the ‘Contacting AAA Life’ section.

Can I call about my spouse/child/parent’s policy?

Due to federal privacy laws, we must speak with the person listed as the owner of the policy and obtain authorization to give information regarding their policy. If the owner gives authorization by phone, it will only be valid for one day. Authorization for an extended period of time must be in writing and signed and dated by the owner of the policy. Mail any authorization to the correspondence address listed below in the ‘Contacting AAA Life’ section.

Can I make changes/obtain information on my spouse/child/parent's policy if I took out the policy and I pay the premiums?

Due to federal privacy laws, we must speak with whoever is listed as the owner of the policy. If you are the owner, you can make changes and obtain information. If you would like to change the ownership on a policy, please have the owner of the policy contact our Member Services Department at (855) 598-0890. If you merely want to be authorized to obtain information about a policy, please see the previous question above.

How do I cancel my policy?

Most policies require a written request to cancel. Cancellation requests should include the policy or certificate number(s) being cancelled, a signature from the policy or certificate owner(s), and the date the cancellation request was signed. Please mail or fax your cancellation request using the information below in the ‘Contacting AAA Life’ section.

If the policy you are planning to cancel is set up on automatic recurring payments, you may call our Member Services Department to stop the automatic payments. Requests to stop automatic payments must be received 3 business days before the payment is set to draft.


What is the mailing address for general correspondence?

AAA Life Insurance Company, 17900 N. Laurel Park Drive, Livonia, MI 48152.

Can I fax or email general correspondence?

Yes. Correspondence may be faxed to 1-734-591-6602 or emailed to [email protected].

When can I call to speak to someone about my policy?

Member Services Advocates are available Monday through Friday from 8:00 AM to 8:00 PM ET and Saturday from 11:00 AM to 3:00 PM ET and can be reached at (855) 598-0890.

How do I get a copy of my policy/certificate?

A policy owner can call (855) 598-0890 to request a duplicate policy/certificate.

How do I submit a claim?

The quickest, most convenient way to file a claim is through our online claim portal. You will need basic information about the policyholder and to fill out a claim form (PDF) to include with your submission.

You may be asked to provide additional information or proof of loss materials during the claim evaluation process. Upon receipt of all necessary documentation, your claim will be reviewed and our experienced claims specialists will advise on next steps.


Who can I speak to about my AAA membership?

For any information regarding your AAA membership, please contact your local AAA club.

Are AAA Life Insurance Company and AAA the same company?

While your AAA club is affiliated with AAA Life, they are not the same company. As part of the AAA family, you can rely on AAA Life to provide the same high-quality service and products you've come to expect with the AAA – a name millions of people rely on for quality roadside assistance.